Saturday, April 11, 2009

What a Marvel

I have just returned from a 4 day workshop, that brought me together with some amazing photographers worldwide. My head is spinning with ideas!! One of the photographers talked about how very precious children are, and put up a quote by Pablo Casals, the great Spanish cellist, which brought me to tears (especially since I was away from my kids for 4 days). Pablo's message is that we need to teach our children more than 2+2=4, and more about how special and unique they are.
Here is the quote...
You are a marvel.

You are unique.
In all the years that have passed,
there has never been another child like you.

Your legs, your arms, your clever fingers,
the way you move.
You may become a Shakespeare,
a Michaelangelo, a Beethoven.

You have the capacity for anything.

Yes, you are a marvel
And when you grow up, can you then harm another
who is, like you, a marvel?
You must work - we must all work
to make the world
worthy of its children

~Pablo Casals~

I was so touched when I heard this poem, as I had not heard it before. It reinforced for me how important it is when I walk into a shoot, to recognize the uniqueness of each child I encounter.

Before signing off, I would like to share one of my all time favorite pictures of my husband and two kids, which is my 'wallpaper' on my phone, and which reminds me daily how truly amazing and spirited my kids are (and my husband!).

Oh...and one last thing. I was reminded during my 4 days away that I have become a very lazy blogger! So... I have made a serious commitment to change that, and promise to post more from my sessions on a regular basis.

Happy Easter everyone! I hope that everyone takes some extra time this weekend to be present with their children and let them know how amazing they are!


dena said...

Lovely sentiments. And I adore that photograph of your guys!

ally said...

love the energy! can't help but smile at this sweet image ~